Facts About Truck Accidents

Submitted by: Rainier Policarpio

A truck accident is very different from a car accident or from any other type of motor vehicle accident, for that matter. The difference is that truck drivers have limited visibility. A commercial truck s driver position is often so elevated that some areas beside and behind him exist where there is limited or even zero visibility.

Another factor that makes a truck accident different is the extent of damages and injuries incurred by such incident. Since the trucks size is relatively bigger, they tend to cause greater damage in accidents than cars or other motor vehicles do.

Another thing is that trucks take longer distances to stop as compared to other passenger vehicles.

How does a truck accident happen?

Here are some of the many different reasons why large truck accidents happen:

Drivers aggressively speeding ahead


Drivers speeding up just to go with unrealistic schedules

Failure to inspect tires, brakes and lights

Following closely in some vehicles

Driver fatigue and inattentiveness because of long work-shifts

Using the Cell phone while driving

Failure to install blind spot mirrors

Jackknifing through heavy traffic


Ignoring reduced truck speed limit

It is clear in most of these cases that negligence is a main cause for the occurrence of a truck accident.

Sometimes however, it is also due to the fault of company policies and neglect. Some trucks are not installed with rear and side bumpers, along with high front bumpers. These punch into automobile passenger compartments.

Furthermore, speed policies may also be a little inadequate. Most of the speed limits are designed for smaller automobiles. If applied to something as huge as an 18-wheeler truck, traveling 70 miles per hour acquire twice as much energy.

Then, under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, automobiles are designed to encounter vehicle their size, but definitely not equipped enough to 80,000-pound trucks.

Many responsible agencies are already making amends to prevent any incident of truck accident on the road because of its big implications. The American Trucking Association and Road Safe America proposed a 68mph maximum speed limit for at least 26,000 pound-trucks or 13 tons gross vehicular weighted trucks.

Truck building companies have also designed speed governors, which are actually computer-enforced systems. These are attached to a truck s engine to have their maximum speed limited.

Since truck drivers face pressures in meeting delivery dates, it is actually a requirement to go as fast as they can. Thus, many are making ways to prevent excessive speed since it is the leading factor in fatal crashes during a truck accident.

We have more information regarding truck accidents and the legal implications of being involved or injured by such unfortunate incidents.

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