Essential Steps On How To Train Your Puppy

How to Train a Puppy to Use an ‘Indoor Puppy Potty’

So you’ve welcomed a new puppy into your family. You’re filled with joy, excitement, and probably a whole lotta love for your furry little friend. Amidst the fun, one essential task that you have to embark on is training your puppy. One of the initial tasks that appears daunting but necessary is teaching your puppy to use the indoor puppy potty.

Step 1: Choose the Right Indoor Puppy Potty

Before you begin training, you need to select the right indoor potty for your puppy. There are various types, from potty pads to artificial grass systems, rinse-and-drain systems to litter boxes. It’s crucial to choose one suitable for your puppy’s breed and size.

Step 2: Introduce the Indoor Puppy Potty

Once you’ve got the indoor potty, it’s time to introduce it to your puppy. Place the indoor puppy potty in an accessible yet low-traffic area. Encourage your puppy to sniff and explore it. Use positive reinforcement like treats and praises to associate the indoor potty with positive experiences.

Step 3: Consistency is Key

Puppies thrive on routine. Have set meal times and take your puppy to the indoor puppy potty after each meal. This is usually when puppies need to “go”. Be patient and soon your pup will understand what needs to be done.

Step 4: Use Cue Words

Stating a cue word such as “potty time” can help your pup associate that phrase with the act of using the indoor puppy potty.

Step 5: Reward Your Puppy

Every time your puppy uses the indoor puppy potty correctly, give them a treat, a compliment, or some playtime. This positive reinforcement will motivate your pup to continue using the indoor potty correctly.

Step 6: Handle Accidents with Care

Accidents will happen. It’s essential to react calmly and never punish. Clean up quietly and reassert the proper place for them to “go”.

Training a puppy to use an indoor puppy potty can seem like a challenging task but with consistency, patience, and lots of love, it can be an opportunity for you to bond with your new family member. Happy training!

Posted in Dogs

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