What Is Wrong With Your Freezer?}

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What is Wrong with Your Freezer?
Che Cruz
These are the common freezer repair problems that need your attention. If the freezer repair problem is not listed, seek professional assistance from a qualified freezer repair technician.
It doesn’t work at all
Does the light inside the freezer work? Can you hear a fan, motor, or other sound coming from the freezer? If so, the freezer is still working. Go to the specific problem you are having with the freezer. If not, try adjusting the thermostat to a colder setting.
To check if power is getting to the freezer, plug a lamp or other device into the same outlet as the freezer. If there’s power, check the fuses or circuit breakers. If that’s not the problem, contact a qualified electrician to restore power to the outlet.
If there’s power to the freezer but it still doesn’t work at all, there may be a problem with one of these: Wiring; Thermostat; Defrost timer; Compressor; Overload and/or relay.
The freezer repair problem can be difficult to pinpoint without a clear indication of a specific defective component. At this point, we recommend that you see help from a qualified freezer repair technician.
It’s not cooling
If the freezer seems to be doing nothing, follow the steps as mentioned above. Otherwise, check these:
Is the thermostat knob turned to the proper setting?
Is the compressor motor running? Is it humming or making any kind of continuous noise? If it is, but your freezer is still not cooling at all, there may be a serious problem with one or more of these areas: The compressor; The condenser; The evaporator.
You need to contact a qualified freezer repair technician.
If the compressor is not running but you do have power to the freezer, there may be a problem in one or more of these areas: The compressor; The overload and relay; The defrost timer.
For information about these components, obtain help from freezer repair technicians available in your area.
It cools poorly or it’s all iced up
If your freezer cools but doesn’t get cold enough, it may have a problem in one of several areas. In a self-defrosting freezer, poor cooling often results from a heavy frost build-up on the evaporator coils. You can’t see these coils without removing a panel inside your freezer. But if you see any frost or ice build-up on the inside walls, ceiling, or floor of your freezer, it’s a sure sign of frost build-up. And that’s a sign of problem with the self-defrosting system.
An easy (though often inconvenient) test of whether the freezer repair problem is with the self-defrosting system is to remove all of the perishable food from the freezer, turn the thermostat to Off, and leave the door open for 24 to 48 hours. This “manually” defrosts the freezer. When the frost and ice build-up has completely melted away, turn the thermostat back to a normal setting. If the freezer then cools properly, it indicates a problem with one of these components in the self-defrosting system: The defrost timer; The defrost thermostat; The defrost heater.
It’s noisy
Noise can come from these areas: The inside of the freezer; The outside back of the freezer; The bottom of the freezer.
It doesn’t cycle off
The thermostat cycles the freezer on and off. The cooling system runs as long as the temperature inside the freezer is higher than the set temperature. If the temperature inside the freezer is cold enough, but the thermostat doesn’t cycle off, the thermostat may be defective. If so, you need to replace it.
If your freezer repair problem is listed above, then it is high time to consider a freezer repair technician. If you need assistance in freezer repair in Illinois, Northeast Cooling has specialized in Commercial Refrigeration and Ice Machine sales, service and repair for more than 15 years. Cooler, Freezer, and Ice Machine repairs done right the first time. Count on Northeast Cooling for Quality Refrigeration Repairs.
Northeast Cooling specialized in cooler repair,
Freezer Repair Illinois
and ice machine repair in Illinois. Northeast has over 15 years worth of experience
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