Dentist Virginia Beach Making Children To Brush Teeth

Submitted by: Morrisxc Kirby

You and your child should not argue and fight about brushing teeth on a daily basis.You can engage your child by making brushing fun and by role modeling good oral hygiene. There exists a lot of toothpaste and toothbrushes options for kids which can assist you in winning the battle when it comes to brushing teeth. Some tips can help making brushing more fun.

Teeth brushing should be made fun to do. Look for fun methods to engage your children in brushing other than making it a chore.

Get your child a fun and colorful toothbrush to start. If your child s favorite color is green, ask him to search for the green floss you have hidden in the drawer. When you feign blindness then afterwards you look at newly sparkling teeth, it always brings a laugh.Reward cooperation with much praise and keep looking for ways to incorporate the element of play.

Let your child brush your teeth first before they brush theirs. This to them seems to be a lot of fun. Of course you will brush your child s teeth when the fun session is over.


Before you brush their teeth, have your child brush their favorite doll s teeth first. Allow them to brush their teeth all the time as a routine but make sure you follow up to brush them properly.

On your child s toothbrush, just put a pea-size amount of toothpaste as larger amount become difficult for kids to deal with. Your child s mouth will get overwhelmed with too much toothpaste!

Be careful of the toothpaste you use. Many types of toothpaste contain strong flavorings that adults may not notice, but that can sting young mouths. Get toothpastes that are specifically meant for children.

Allow the caretakers to go to the bathroom eager to brush. Laugh about it and make is sound like a lot of fun. Your child will realize this as a fun moment and will not want to be left behind leading them to join in.

Try to talk them into brushing by mentioning the germ bugs that live on their teeth.Don’t forget to praise, praise, praise your kids for their awesome brushing.

Kids get interested in brushing when you get them powered toothbrushes. The rotating and oscillating bristle will definitely get the kid s curious because of the exciting noises. Normally, battery-powered types are less expensive just like the manual ones and they come in fun versions that children love.

Ask them to put their own toothpaste on their toothbrush of course with assistance and let them brush their teeth. Children who are first timers in this business will only suck on the brush, therefore be patient as they learn.This is normal and will probably happen quite a bit. Be consistent and brush your teeth regularly with them around.

As you teach your children to brush their teeth, timing is a factor to be considered. Correct! It must be done before bedtime, but getting to have a child do it when tired is all in vain. Encourage them to do it when they are in a mood to please and as a regular routine.

Point to note! preventing dental problems in children is easier than treating. Whatever it takes to make them do it, just do it!

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